Sunday, October 11, 2009

New Focus...

Lots has gone on. Change in relationship status --- single. Change in job - Assistant Principal. Change in living - no roomie!

So - I figured lets keep going. Let's keep changing and challenging myself. My new focus is eating healthy and training for a 1/2 marathon. I never thought I would be a "runner" but I actually enjoy running and I really want to do something that I never thought I could do.

My goal is also to lose weight, but I find that just focusing on weight loss goals - doesn't quite work for me. Keeping my mind & eyes on something else...other than just the much better for me.

So the big day - February 13 in Myrtle Beach is coming..and coming quickly!

Tomorrow I officially start my training with daily running...miles and 2 a day workouts. In the process - of course I will be eating healthy, so we shall see what happens.

I'm excited because this is major and to be able to say I ran a 1/2 marathon is a major deal. Right now - I need to keep doing and accomplishing major challenges while I'm on the "move". I'm almost finished with graduate school (Nov. 23) so this is the next big task on the list. I really would like to go into 2010 a lot smaller & healthier. As my 26th birthday approaches - I see myself wanting to enjoy the last 4 years of my 20s as a healthy & happy Ebony!

I'm's time. I just have to stay focused...and share my progress.

Here is to a new journey!

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