Monday, March 9, 2009

Loving this weather! It makes me happy...something about this weather makes me want to really get "slim"...I think it is because you start to peel off clothes....through Dec..Jan..and Feb - you can hide behind the layers, peacoats, sweaters, pants with tights, and all the other accessories meant for warmth! I do not enjoy cold...and you would think I'd have enough protection (skin) to keep me warm during the cold months, but that just never really seems to work.

As the weather...breaks...but not for long as I watch the forecast - I start to think about bathing suits. I really want a cute suit for the summer. Depending on how much weigh I lose...we will see what I can get my behind in. At least...I can push for next summer having a the look I want....if I don't have it by the end of the summer of 09. I can push for the year of the "perfect 10"

This weekend...I weighed loss, but that's okay! No important. My goal is NO GAINING during this process. So...staying the same is okay. After losing 7 lbs in one week I figured...I may not lose and I didn't have the greatest week.

Now...maybe as a result of the weather --- I'm FOCUSED. I'm really trying to maintain control...and not let it control me. I feel good about what I'm doing and the decision making process .... it takes time and strength to say...NO. So my new mental thought is.... I can have this one day...or what would a skinny person do (that one doesn't always work though). goes a week of focus and shall see what the scale shows. My goal is to lose 30 lbs by the time we get out of the summer. My workout buddies seem to think this goal if lofty...something about it makes me want to really...push for that - and I really think I can do it, if I stay realllyy super duper...focused! I threatened (jokingly) to jump off a bridge if I didn't (or a few stairs)...and of course they told me that ..... they would see me later...due to the type of goal I've set.

Right now...I'm focused on 1o lbs before Spring Break! Yes---intense I know. BUT if I only lose 5 or 8 I'll still be happy....I'm just reaching for the stars. Today was a good eating day....a little off the plan, but still a good day. goal is to stick to the plan Tuesday---Friday, stick to the gettinng off the course.

We shall see...I'd love to see 3 lbs loss on Saturday AM as I weigh in before Women's Empowerment....brace yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Hey you! I didn't know you had a blog! Mine is private now, but you can e-mail me and I will add you! I hope you are doing well!
