Saturday, March 21, 2009


So...March has really has be an interesting month. It's like it game inn like a little peaceful sunny...then turned into a wintry mix (literally) and it comes to an end it's like a hurricane + tornado in the middle of early spring. This March has given new meaning to MARCH MADNESS....

As I sit here...I can't even wrap my mind around everything that has occurred during this month. So I have to do a mental recap - which is hard - so I'll just focus on the major pieces that are really impacting my life at this point.

1) Weight --- always an issue - it is starting to move a little bit more due to my mind change -- I'm slowly getting there and overcoming my issues with food. (Good month for weight loss)

2) The Economy - Yes -- this is a major topic - but once it starts to impact you directly - you start to look at the AM news a little bit more closely and you start to pay attention to the numbers attached to unemployment.

3) My me! REALLY! I'm still processing it. Now...of course I love her dearly and didn't have a cat fight or anything so don't get excited about seeing posted on YouTube. At first...when she told me - I really didn't think on it. Actually I couldn't....between all the stuff at work..grad school..working out...and living - I just really didn't think about it. time went by...and items started to slowly move out of the house it hit me. Today...I just walked by her room and just stared at it. Since I've lived their...other than my closinng date - that room as never been empty. Mentally....I'm adapting to knowing that it will just be me..but I'm trying to look at it as an opportunity to grow---instead of focusing on the loss. We've been super busy we really haven't had much time to just sit and we had in the past. Roomie on the big couch and me crouched up comfortably on the love seat. Miss those days...and now all that is really coming to an end.

4) Boyfriend (ex-boyfriend)....We broke up. It was my was a difficult choice - but as everything around me changes. I feel the need to be more honest with myself and in the process I'm learninng and growing. As a observe the world around --- I recognize the importance of happiness and I recognized that I was not happy. There are a lot of things that are a part of the "happy box" and sometimes we think that we have a lot of control over the happy box...we can channge the happy box...and the happy box will magically adjust to us. I've learned...that the happy box different for each of us - what we need in our box is soley based on our own needs and desires. So...for me - I realized that my boyfriend is a wonderful person...but my happy box was lacking some major components. Hope this makes sense...

5) New news for March - but once again a bitter sweet experience. I'm going to be transitionining into a position that I definitely didn't see myself in at 25 years old...but I'm thankful and grateful for the opportunity. I'll be Assistant Principal at a private - amazing. I can't believe that will be my title...but I'm excited, but I know it is going to be a learninng curve. I'm sad that I'll be leaving the BEST team I could have asked for...I love my teammates - they keep me going. And this year - the person I switch classes with has changed my a wonderful way. We just click and he is an amazing person..and teacher (Love Mr. T). I'll miss having a class, but I know that I am ending on a good note - I've had the best class EVER .... love them!

.......So as you can see - March is not over yet and so many things have changed. I do think that in the end...even though it is blury....things will be okay. I'm started to realize that questioning and asking WHY - doesn't make things easier to deal with. I'm trying to live by the mottos - "if it is meant to will be" and "everything happens for a reason" - I hope these to statements will carry me through!

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